Philippeans 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Subscapularis Muscle

The Subscapularis is a triangle shape muscle that is part of a group of muscles responsible for the movement of the upper arm and shoulder that make up the rotator cuff.  Its the strongest muscle in this group of four rotator cuff muscles..  It is located under the shoulder blade (and behind the rib cage) with its function been to stabilize and rotate the shoulder joint and is the most used muscles in the shoulder.
It is a muscles that is most often injured especially in athletes and one of the commonly indicated muscles responsible for shoulder pain.  Some signs of a tight subscapularis muscle is often the inward rotation of the shoulders and a “rounded back.”
The inability to raise the arm fully overhead can also indicate a tight subscapularis.  Frozen shoulder may also be tied to an overworked subscapularis. 
Massage, friction therapy and stretching can make a great difference by eliminating tightness, restoring greater range of motion and freedom from pain.  This muscle can also be reached by working on it from under the arm pit.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Happy Place

It was not too long ago I was challenged with a "7 Day Grateful Challenge" on Facebook, which was just such a blessing to do sharing some of my life that I am truly grateful for. So when I was asked to share "My Happy Places" by my beautiful friend Erica Mathieson Langston, how could I refuse, knowing what a joy a similar project bought me.

Knowing the woman of God Erica is, I first took the time to read where she found her happy places and the thought that ran through my mind was " oh my word, so many of her happy places resonate with me, now I totally understand why she is such a special friend" and may I add the places that did not personally talk to me, put a broad smile on my face knowing my special friend had so many happy places to go, we truly are blessed!

It made me realize even though we all the same being, we are all on a different path of happiness!  Here are some of my happy places I get to visit.

My daily rut; and first happy place starts with being the first one awake in the morning, sitting in stillness with my morning coffee listen for God to speak to me.

My next happy step in the morning is taking my husband his cup of coffee in bed, as he lays there in contentment with our two dogs who love to snuggle on our bed.

When I step out the door for the first time I am in awe of the beauty around me, which I am blessed to take in every day.

I head out today (Thursday) to a very powerful Girlfriends Bible Study Group. To truly feel His love & Presence makes me feel like I'm in Heaven.

My happy child place is spending time been silly and funny with my gorgeous grandbabies who on many occasions take me into their wonderland.

Engaging in conversations with my family whether its the ones on a long-distance international call or taking time out to be with them here in the USA, is a happy place all around.

My work of massaging, it takes me to a place of calmness & peacefulness knowing that I'm able to help people with their aches & pain.

The smell of fresh Roses and Essential Oils brings a smile to my face.

Sitting on my sofa reading a good book or paging through one of my favourite magazines.

My boot camp class every morning at 7am.

The amazing friends I have in my life around the world, and the very many new friends I have recently befriended.

My Starbucks latte, walking in there and getting that coffee smell!

Turning on my worship music in the car, especially loud when I am needing it.

The best yet is putting my head down on my pillow at night, knowing; just knowing no matter what God has everything under control in my life and there is no need for me to worry or fear anything.

I know there is so much more for me to reflect on that brings me to a happy place, however I am truly happy & blessed to be exactly where I am at such a time as this.

Now that I've shared some of  my daily happy places I visit every day, I wish  for all of you who read this to just take this opportunity to reflect on a couple of your happy places, and share them with us on Facebook or on your blogs and tag me.

Go search for your happy places there are many.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Occipital Muscle Group

The Occipitalis Muscles are a small group of muscles named mainly because of the attachment to the base of the skull (occipital bone).  This muscle group is responsible for moving the scalp back, keeping the head in its proper up-right position, raising your eyebrows, wrinkling your forehead and wiggling your ears.
These muscles can contribute to headaches, migraines, eye pain and neck tension if one is squinting or slouching excessively or even carrying a lot of daily tension; leading to tightened muscles over time.
Massaging these muscles along the occipital bone, as well as using longer massage strokes  down the neck can soften any tightness in this area. Applying pressure at certain trigger points, until the muscle resistance or pressure fades is a good method to use in conjunction with massaging.  Massaging this area is dramatically therapeutic with a deeply relaxing and satisfying sensation.
The occipital muscle group works really hard with all its responsibilities to the head and neck area so don't neglect it, get it taken care of as often as you can.

This area gets the greatest reviews than any other muscle group when it comes to massage.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sciatic Pain & Massage

The Sciatic Nerve, largest nerve in our bodies, runs from the lower back through the buttocks and down the leg to the foot, connecting the spinal cord with the leg & foot muscles. Pain is typically felt from lower back to behind the thigh radiating down below the knee.
Sciatica is nerve pain from irritation of the sciatic nerve; mainly compression of the nerve.
The goal is to promote circulation in this area to reduce/relieve the pain and relax the muscles, releasing tension and help the body heal itself.  Massaging the following muscles can help with sciatic pain & improve mobility; quadratus lumborum, piriformis, psoas, hamstrings, quadratus femoris and the gluteal muscles.  
Massage helps boost endorphins, dopamine & serotonin which are “good” hormones that aid in calming the nerves, promote healing by providing natural pain management and help you feel better.
Stretching is another way to release the compression of the nerve roots which will be highly effective combined with a good massage.
Don’t walk your way through pain or rely on pain medication, treat it with massage and stretching; a natural way which is far better for your body.

Remember prevention is always the best way to go!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hamstring Massaging - Prevention or Injury

The hamstrings are made up of 3 muscles, semitendinosus, semimembranosus & biceps femoris. These muscles are responsible for bending the knee and extending the hip, as in kicking a ball!  Getting regular massages will keep this muscles flexible and healthy, minimizing chances of injuries or strains.  A tight knot or lump will be detected early and worked out before becoming a weak point for future injury!
Injuries are often caused from over use and trauma.  One factor of hamstring strains is an imbalance between hamstring and quads; and massage helps by balancing the muscles on the front and back of leg.
Swedish and lymphatic massage will stretch the muscle fibres of the hamstring injury, speeding up healing, reducing pain and swelling, as well as minimizing scar tissue.
Eventually deeper (stripping) massage work with cross-fibre or circular friction can be performed  which will aid is building healthy scar tissue.  Deep strokes and kneading makes the muscle more pliable.
Tight hamstring do need stretching; and massage allows for the muscles to be stretched sideways or transversely which cannot be done by simple stretching.  By increasing blood flow and relaxing the muscles will help them stretch more easily.

Don’t ignore this injury, get it taken care of as soon as you can.  However, remember prevention is better than cure, so stay flexible by regular massages.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


The TRAPEZIUS Muscle is a large superficial diamond shape muscle that spans the neck, shoulders and mid back region.  It is often the most affected by stress.  Tension in these muscles can cause neck pain, stiffness and upper back pain. This muscle pain often feels like an aching or burning sensation between the shoulder blades extending up the neck. It can be caused from stress, bad posture and lower back pain that moves upwards due to the body compensating itself.  Massage can relax these tissues, increase blood flow and reduce the signs of inflammation.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Whether you are an athlete or an active person who excises regularly getting a massage has many benefits here are some of them:

- stimulates blood & lymph flow to prevent muscle fatigue
- reduces muscle tension & stiffenss
- increases range of motion
- promotes relaxation
- improves performance
- faster recovery therefore enhances performance
- increases flexibility
- improves sleep & so many day to day benefits.

You only have one body, so taking care of your wellness is crucial for longevity.

What do you do to recover and re-new your body after a workout or competing.

Let me know!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Why Massage!

Many systems in our bodies are affected by massage either directly or indirectly. Massage relaxes and stretches muscles reducing tension or cramping, it makes muscles more flexible by reducing muscle tone. Muscles are quickly restored after exercising with regular massage.
SKELETAL system is affected indirectly by massage due to the the improved circulation of blood bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the bones. Joint stiffness and pain can be reduced as muscles become more flexible, which allows for better range of motion.
Massage can help the NERVOUS system from stress related issues that cause insomnia and headaches and aid in relief from nervous irritability. The CIRCULATION system - massage improves blood flow which can help in poor circulation especially for people who are immobile.
The human body is a beautiful and complex creation! The body builds up with waste products which are eliminated through our LYMPHATIC System. Massage can stimulate this system and aid in elimination of toxins and waste. Relieving stress through massage can also boost the IMMUNE system.
As you relax during a massage your RESPIRATORY system slows down and breathe can become deeper using less energy.  By cupping massage over the chest area relieves congestion as well.
When one is relaxed through massage the DIGESTION System can increase the movement of food and waste products through its process.  By stimulation of massage, waste products are been released into the kidneys and filtered  & eliminated through the URINARY System.
For woman who suffer from PMS, pain and menopause the relaxing effect of massage can definitely help with these issues.
Schedule your massage today to benefit from these many wonderful affects it offers!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Inspirational: Accountability

Inspirational:  Accountability 

What does the word accountability mean to you?  I use to look at it as a reason to rebel, as I always thought the person/or situation was what had control over me, as I sort of felt I had to answer to them if I didn't follow through!  Little did I know! The awareness of this word started to make more sense as I started to commit myself to different projects in my life.  I realized if I make a commitment to something, then I need to be accountable and come through with sticking to what is required from me to achieve what I set myself out to do.
To be accountable means so much more than just that word, it makes us be responsible to the person/situation, it makes us reliable by showing up and doing the works, it makes us set a good example to others who find it hard to be accountable.  It allows other people to see that what I say I do, and they will always be able to trust and rely on me.
However, most importantly for me, personally it has made me feel better about myself.  By been willing to oblige and accept responsibility to a commitment/action has allowed me to not only achieve the personal goals I’m setting for myself but it’s also allowing me to be an influence in other peoples lives and having an affect on them.  I’ve learnt that others like to be around and associated with accountable people, it gives one the confidence of a hearty & sincere person.
Let me know what you think of the action of been accountable? and how does it affect your life and others around you?



Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Inspirational: Perserverance

The last six months has taught me so much about perseverance when it comes to my weight loss & fitness.  The first three months of hard training and good eating I was not seeing any results, however I was surrounded by the right training people and I kept it going. I persevered through thick and thin, weight up  weight down; energy up energy down and so much more.  One of the things that keep me moving forward was that I was seeing a slight difference in tone and inches lost.
Now in July (from end of January) I can finally say I am down 20 pounds, my first goal I set for myself; finally achieved.  It has been a very slow process but I persevered and the results are now paying off.
I've realized and learnt that perseverance definitely does bring results.  If we just realize "Never Give Up" and persevere through thick and thin there is surely a bright light at the end of the every tunnel.

Remember: In times of difficulties keep a steady pace over the obstacles and you will surely be led to the desires of your heart.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Simply Heavenly Bodyworks: Massaging

Finally now I am sitting down to start writing, putting together my blog!  I have been so blessed to be able to pursue one of the things that I am passionate about and that is massaging.  For many, many years I always got massages on a regular basis and have learnt and believed in the benefits of it.  I finally took the plunge to embrace this passion as a career and I now am a CMT (certified massage therapist), working out of my home as well as offering mobile services.  It is a privilege for me to work with the boosting of wellness for clients and taking care of any muscular issues that present themselves, using specific massage techniques.  Lying on a massage table can put clients in a very vulnerable position and I am honoured that I am trusted by them, as I do my best to bring relaxation, wellness and healing to their bodies. 
I know that massaging has brought me a deeper sense of calmness and appreciation for life.  It has allowed me to listen to my body, and to be still in times of need.
I hope by the posts you see on my blog, regarding massaging, that you will take it upon yourself to get regular massages because of it's many profound effects. If you have never had a professional massage, I will encourage to do so and get in touch with its many benefits.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Bootcamp in the park

Well when it comes to exercising, I consider myself to have been a yo-yo exerciser (if there is such a thing).  I have always been a fairly active person but believe my problem was I got bored after a couple months.  I would join a gym for a few months then stop, tried yoga, moved onto jazzercise then stopped, returned back to gym many times, then do absolutely nothing & hit running on the road for a couple months cause I felt guilty and fat just sitting around doing nothing! So yo-yoing is the right word to use, as this went on for years and years.  My mind would always be confused with what I should or wanted to be doing, as I was never getting the results I was setting out to achieve.  I now believe the reason is because I never stuck to one form of workout and really enjoyed it.
By complete chance, when I dropped my massage business cards off, with Sarah Russell, at Boot Camp in the park, I finally found what I have been searching for all these years.
This has been my breakthrough, not only am I seeing results in my weight and conditioning but I'm thoroughly enjoying it and am moving into my 6th month now.  I am even able to double up on classes now or go for a run as a second workout for the day.
I believe the biggest reason I go back everyday (5 times a week normally) is not only are the workouts different and challenging every day but its outdoors amongst the trees.  I believe working outdoors revitalizes me and increases my energy with the fresh air and been amongst the birds and the bees - so to say.  Even though the workouts are a lot of the time intense you just get a sense of determination and extra energy to be able to push yourself and get a overall feeling of satisfaction after your workout.  The environment each day is also slightly different where boot camp takes place, some days are windier or more humid than others so its always a little challenging when the weather is a little different. Breathing in fresh air (oxygen) just seems to give you extra energy you need to engage in a more intense workout which results in burning  more calories,  improvement in overall fitness and been generally more energized for the day.
Sarah offers one free workout trial, so we would love to have you come out and try her amazing boot camp classes.
I will be posting my fitness journey and any challenges I have in my blog and hope it motivates and encourages readers, no matter your age or size, to get up and get going with me.  Feel free to ask any questions or give me advice on what you have experienced or learnt, we are all here to help and push each other along a healthier and fitter path.
DON'T GIVE UP until you find what works for you cause it's then that you will find enjoyment, and get to where you want to be!

About me

Well let me start off first by introducing myself, my name is Tracey (I am South African so my spelling and grammar, from my homeland is going to be different to other English speaking countries), I am a mother of 2 wonderful grown up sons and I have 2 beautiful grandchildren who are partly responsible for me taking the action I have taken with regards to my fitness and health. I am 48 years old and married, for the second time to a wonderful man and plan to be around for a very long time to see my beautiful family grow.

The reason for this blog is to encourage as many people as possible, no matter their circumstances past or present, to Never Give Up!

I really want to try and keep my story short and to the point, in as few words as I can, so that you the reader can move on to the following pages that will hopefully encourage and motivate you in all aspects of your life!

I got married at a young age of 18 and had both of my children by  the age of 21 and divorced shortly there after. My now husband, Wayne, came into my life a couple years later.  I didn't realize that the future was going to be extremely challenging for me, especially as a "single" mom because Wayne did not really step in as a paternal step-dad, probably due to the fact that he was a few years younger than me. Roughly the next 10 years were the hardest, my youngest son was having difficulties at school, as well as behavioral issues, while my oldest son was becoming a rising sports star nationally and internationally.  I lived apart from Wayne and my oldest son, Tyla, while they were in Europe for 2 years, working hard at his professional sporting career. I stayed back in South Africa dealing with the day to day commitments.  BUT there was one thing,  I never gave up on anything in my path and I believe today that's why both my boys are "fighters" at whatever challenges life throws at them.  So from getting divorced, to experiencing being a single mom, to eventually marrying a man younger than me, to living apart from him for 2 years, then leaving my family and friends, with my youngest son Jake, to join Wayne and Tyla in Europe. Living there for 7 years (where English isn't their first language), surprisingly I landed up in the USA in 2009 and have been living here ever since, I could say life has been somewhat challenging, with  difficult obstacles to conquer but with many happy memories at the same time.

Taking a big leap forward, now at 48 years old, I have not only made a complete change in career doing something I have always been passionate about, I have also made the decision to settle in the USA permanently. On top of that I have been going through the difficulties of menopause and the challenges of life are somewhat different today.  Even though I have always been fairly active, loosing weight has always been difficult for various reasons and even more challenging now through menopause. However my Never Give Up attitude steps in again here and I joined boot camp classes in our local park, which is going extremely well for me, with an amazing trainer. I'm still doing whatever research I can to tackle my menopause symptoms the natural way, and things are looking better for me in that area.

In the last 6 months I have committed to regular boot camp classes, eating really well again and listening to my body. I have not felt this good in years.  I have a different type of energy boost now, especially as I continue fighting the menopause symptoms but I am adamant to get through this at the end of the day.
My choice to follow my passion, of massaging, has also taught me how to remain extremely calm amidst a storm.  I have far more inner peace now, cause if there is one thing that I know for sure; "its that all will for sure turn out well".

However this path (journey) I am now blessed to be travelling on is all influenced by my wonderful husband, two amazing sons, my gorgeous grandbabies and an awesome & beautiful extended family in my life.
I pray that the continuation of my journey will encourage, motivate and be a blessing in your life some how!  I look forward to hearing from you, whether its just a comment or some advice to give or to be given.

Be blessed today and always.
Tma (my grandbabies name for me - Tracey)
Never Give Up!