Philippeans 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pectoralis Major Muscle

It’s the large muscle in the chest that fans from the shoulder to the breastbone.  It is commonly referred to as the “pecs” and create the bulk of the chest area.  This muscle along with the pectoralis minor, which lies beneath the major, is predominantly used to control the movement of the arm.  Its also plays a part in deep inhalation, pulling the rib cage to create room for the lungs to expand.
If this muscle is too tight it fosters a round shoulder posture. Tightness in this area may give you pain in your chest or shoulder.  Massage is great for decreasing muscle spasms, tenderness  and referral pain. Massage will increase the flexibility & integrity of the muscle, which will decrease pain in the neck, back and shoulder area.  Massage brings  more blood to the area and reduces edema around the muscle, with increased flexibility & range of motion.  When a knot is worked on in the muscle it may radiate pain but many people feel better within a few treatments.
Strectching can enhance treatment especially if continued at home.

So if you believe massaging these muscles will contribute to your healing of pain and tightness consider finding yourself a certified massage therapist who can perform her skills.


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