WIntergreen essential oil is extracted from the low growing shrub called Gaultheria Procumbens, which is from the Ericaceae plant, please don't ask me to pronounce this!! This plant originates from North America mainly Northeast United States & Canada. It’s the leaves that are used to make this essential oil, that has a minty scent.
It’s medical uses have been widely know for many centuries, used by the Native Americans to treat respiratory tract infections. They also chewed the leaves to increase endurance and respiratory capacity for long distance activities.
Wintergreen oil can be very toxic in its pure form, so diluting it with a carrier oil or cream is highly recommended. Diluted it can be applied topically or diffused in a diffuser.
When used in a diffuser, it helps relax and uplift ones mood, as well as having a stimulating effect that will increase attentiveness and vibrations of the body. Its strong aroma will have positive influence on your sensory system.
It’s most popular benefit is known as a pain reliever, alleviating headaches, muscle cramps, joint pain, tendonitis & skeletal issues. However it can give relief to rheumatism & arthritis as it stimulates blood circulation around the affected tissues and muscles, helping clear blood obstructions, which is one of the major causes of these two conditions. It reaches the bloodstream, where is helps stimulate and increase urination, speeding up the removal of uric acid and other toxins. This can reduce the effects of rheumatism.
It can help prevent infections but its not advisable to take the oil orally to fight internal infections, apply it on open wounds sparingly and preferably diluted. Wintergreen is said to help tone the skin and prevent acne (used in a very diluted form), as well as prevents dandruff and tones the hair roots, helping prevent hair loss.
Wintergreen Essential Oil is extremely beneficial using it in massage treatments but be sure to do your research on this remarkable healing oil before making use of its many benefits.
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