This muscle gives the back its beautiful V shape from behind, its a pretty big muscle and covers a large amount of the surface on the back. It consists of 3 parts that all run into the same direction/attachment points.
- starts at the hip
- starts at the ribs
- starts at the shoulder blades
All 3 points run to the tuberculum minor at the humerus which is located at the upper front of the upper arm.
However if the muscle is tight or contains trigger/tender points, it may cause mid-back & lower shoulder blade pain. If a trigger point is present in your Lats it can give pain at its location or send the pain to some unrelated area of the body.
The Lats can contribute to pain in the following areas:
Forearm Muscle Pain
Between Shoulder Blades
In Front Of Shoulder
In The Shoulder
It’s function is to adduct the arm, extend your shoulder and rotate it inwardly.
Using the pressure point technique can be very successful by placing pressure directly on the knot (tense muscle tissue that is stuck in a spasm like state) while relaxing the muscles surrounding it. Muscle knots can cause pain as well as mobility difficulties. If pain radiates to another area, ensure to massage that area as well. Massaging the muscle (with trigger point pressure) can be painful at times but it can help the muscle release.
Alternating hot & cold, can help alleviate pain of muscle knots but will unlikely take the knots away.
Book a therapeutic massage that will no doubt work on this large are of muscle and the affected areas!
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