Massage is believed to relieve pain, reduce stress & anxiety, rehabilitate injuries and boost general health; and in today society is considered an alternative to medicine.
Foot massage has been practiced for centuries to promote health and well-being. Applying pressure to specific points on the feet during a massage can affect various parts of the body. Your whole body will reap the benefits of a foot massage due to healing and relaxation through stimulation of the reflexes. The less stress we allow our bodies to absorb the better health we will have.
The solar plexus point on the foot, can release stress and renew the body by placing pressure on this point. Blood flow can become affected when the body is stressed, so massaging the feet decreased stress and allows blood circulation to flow unimpeded which can encourage homeostasis helping obtain good health & balance in the body.
When one lacks energy a foot massage gives back that energy as all elements come together through massage by unblocking any blockages.
Using essential oils can add extra relaxation by affecting multiple senses. Reflexology massage seeks to improve internal organ functions by massaging specific areas of the feet.
When a massage is combined with strengthening and stretching if can prevent injuries as well as speed up existing injuries.
People with flat feet and plantar fasciitis can benefit from a foot massage, where the pain can be lessened and sometimes even cure the conditions.
Massaging the feet can greatly help people who suffer with edema, especially pregnant woman. Helping with circulation, massage can reduce the fluid retention and pain that comes along with edema.
Take extra care of your feet, they have a load of work to do with everything they carry.
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