Philippeans 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint)

The SI joint is the bony pelvis between the sacrum and the ilium of the pelvis which are joined by strong ligaments.  This joint does not have much motion and transmits all the forces of the upper body to the pelvis (hips) and legs.  It acts as a shock absorbing structure.
As with any joint, the SI joint can become arthritic or its support ligaments can become loose or injured. Dysfunction in the SI joint is thought to cause low back and/or leg/buttock pain, numbness, tingling & weakness. It can cause unilateral leg instability, disturbed sitting patterns as well as pain going from sitting to standing.  Many people have tight hamstrings as a result from SI joint pain.
Possible causes of SI pain or dysfunction are: degeneration of the SI joint, disruption or laxity of the joint, congenital problems, inflammation of the SI joint, fracture, acute/chronic infection, bone disease, tumor - benign or malignant.

Massaging this area will help relieve any soft tissue tension that exists, as well as break down adhesions and scar tissue.  Improving blood circulation and relaxing the muscles around this area can reduce and relieve pain associated with this joint.  Some passive stretches can be done as a preliminary assessment to determine if there is any SI joint dysfunction.


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