Philippeans 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Happy Place

It was not too long ago I was challenged with a "7 Day Grateful Challenge" on Facebook, which was just such a blessing to do sharing some of my life that I am truly grateful for. So when I was asked to share "My Happy Places" by my beautiful friend Erica Mathieson Langston, how could I refuse, knowing what a joy a similar project bought me.

Knowing the woman of God Erica is, I first took the time to read where she found her happy places and the thought that ran through my mind was " oh my word, so many of her happy places resonate with me, now I totally understand why she is such a special friend" and may I add the places that did not personally talk to me, put a broad smile on my face knowing my special friend had so many happy places to go, we truly are blessed!

It made me realize even though we all the same being, we are all on a different path of happiness!  Here are some of my happy places I get to visit.

My daily rut; and first happy place starts with being the first one awake in the morning, sitting in stillness with my morning coffee listen for God to speak to me.

My next happy step in the morning is taking my husband his cup of coffee in bed, as he lays there in contentment with our two dogs who love to snuggle on our bed.

When I step out the door for the first time I am in awe of the beauty around me, which I am blessed to take in every day.

I head out today (Thursday) to a very powerful Girlfriends Bible Study Group. To truly feel His love & Presence makes me feel like I'm in Heaven.

My happy child place is spending time been silly and funny with my gorgeous grandbabies who on many occasions take me into their wonderland.

Engaging in conversations with my family whether its the ones on a long-distance international call or taking time out to be with them here in the USA, is a happy place all around.

My work of massaging, it takes me to a place of calmness & peacefulness knowing that I'm able to help people with their aches & pain.

The smell of fresh Roses and Essential Oils brings a smile to my face.

Sitting on my sofa reading a good book or paging through one of my favourite magazines.

My boot camp class every morning at 7am.

The amazing friends I have in my life around the world, and the very many new friends I have recently befriended.

My Starbucks latte, walking in there and getting that coffee smell!

Turning on my worship music in the car, especially loud when I am needing it.

The best yet is putting my head down on my pillow at night, knowing; just knowing no matter what God has everything under control in my life and there is no need for me to worry or fear anything.

I know there is so much more for me to reflect on that brings me to a happy place, however I am truly happy & blessed to be exactly where I am at such a time as this.

Now that I've shared some of  my daily happy places I visit every day, I wish  for all of you who read this to just take this opportunity to reflect on a couple of your happy places, and share them with us on Facebook or on your blogs and tag me.

Go search for your happy places there are many.


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