The hamstrings are made up of 3 muscles, semitendinosus, semimembranosus & biceps femoris. These muscles are responsible for bending the knee and extending the hip, as in kicking a ball! Getting regular massages will keep this muscles flexible and healthy, minimizing chances of injuries or strains. A tight knot or lump will be detected early and worked out before becoming a weak point for future injury!
Injuries are often caused from over use and trauma. One factor of hamstring strains is an imbalance between hamstring and quads; and massage helps by balancing the muscles on the front and back of leg.
Swedish and lymphatic massage will stretch the muscle fibres of the hamstring injury, speeding up healing, reducing pain and swelling, as well as minimizing scar tissue.
Eventually deeper (stripping) massage work with cross-fibre or circular friction can be performed which will aid is building healthy scar tissue. Deep strokes and kneading makes the muscle more pliable.
Tight hamstring do need stretching; and massage allows for the muscles to be stretched sideways or transversely which cannot be done by simple stretching. By increasing blood flow and relaxing the muscles will help them stretch more easily.
Don’t ignore this injury, get it taken care of as soon as you can. However, remember prevention is better than cure, so stay flexible by regular massages.
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