Well let me start off first by introducing myself, my name is Tracey (I am South African so my spelling and grammar, from my homeland is going to be different to other English speaking countries), I am a mother of 2 wonderful grown up sons and I have 2 beautiful grandchildren who are partly responsible for me taking the action I have taken with regards to my fitness and health. I am 48 years old and married, for the second time to a wonderful man and plan to be around for a very long time to see my beautiful family grow.
The reason for this blog is to encourage as many people as possible, no matter their circumstances past or present, to Never Give Up!
I really want to try and keep my story short and to the point, in as few words as I can, so that you the reader can move on to the following pages that will hopefully encourage and motivate you in all aspects of your life!
I got married at a young age of 18 and had both of my children by the age of 21 and divorced shortly there after. My now husband, Wayne, came into my life a couple years later. I didn't realize that the future was going to be extremely challenging for me, especially as a "single" mom because Wayne did not really step in as a paternal step-dad, probably due to the fact that he was a few years younger than me. Roughly the next 10 years were the hardest, my youngest son was having difficulties at school, as well as behavioral issues, while my oldest son was becoming a rising sports star nationally and internationally. I lived apart from Wayne and my oldest son, Tyla, while they were in Europe for 2 years, working hard at his professional sporting career. I stayed back in South Africa dealing with the day to day commitments. BUT there was one thing, I never gave up on anything in my path and I believe today that's why both my boys are "fighters" at whatever challenges life throws at them. So from getting divorced, to experiencing being a single mom, to eventually marrying a man younger than me, to living apart from him for 2 years, then leaving my family and friends, with my youngest son Jake, to join Wayne and Tyla in Europe. Living there for 7 years (where English isn't their first language), surprisingly I landed up in the USA in 2009 and have been living here ever since, I could say life has been somewhat challenging, with difficult obstacles to conquer but with many happy memories at the same time.
Taking a big leap forward, now at 48 years old, I have not only made a complete change in career doing something I have always been passionate about, I have also made the decision to settle in the USA permanently. On top of that I have been going through the difficulties of menopause and the challenges of life are somewhat different today. Even though I have always been fairly active, loosing weight has always been difficult for various reasons and even more challenging now through menopause. However my Never Give Up attitude steps in again here and I joined boot camp classes in our local park, which is going extremely well for me, with an amazing trainer. I'm still doing whatever research I can to tackle my menopause symptoms the natural way, and things are looking better for me in that area.
In the last 6 months I have committed to regular boot camp classes, eating really well again and listening to my body. I have not felt this good in years. I have a different type of energy boost now, especially as I continue fighting the menopause symptoms but I am adamant to get through this at the end of the day.
My choice to follow my passion, of massaging, has also taught me how to remain extremely calm amidst a storm. I have far more inner peace now, cause if there is one thing that I know for sure; "its that all will for sure turn out well".
However this path (journey) I am now blessed to be travelling on is all influenced by my wonderful husband, two amazing sons, my gorgeous grandbabies and an awesome & beautiful extended family in my life.
I pray that the continuation of my journey will encourage, motivate and be a blessing in your life some how! I look forward to hearing from you, whether its just a comment or some advice to give or to be given.
Be blessed today and always.
Tma (my grandbabies name for me - Tracey)
Never Give Up!